Saturday, March 27, 2004

Farbror Niclas

Here's my Uncle Niclas (Farbror Niclas in Swedish). He's visiting from D.C. He got me a cool T-shirt from Georgetown, maybe I'll go there when I grow up. Hope Mom and Dad are saving up!

You can see Kajsa, my kitty, in the background. She's OK, but she mostly ignores me.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Great Nana and Great Papa and Auntie Becky visit

It was neat to have my great-grandparents fly all the way from Chicago to visit me. I must be pretty special. Great Nana would sing and rock me. And Auntie Becky new just the right dance moves to keep me quite so mommy could sleep more.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

First church service

I got this rose for sleeping through my first church service. I really liked the music.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

My First Bath

Here is my first bath at home. I'll get Mommy for putting this on the internet! Can't a guy have a little privacy?! I am a good looking guy though. Bath's are great. Warm water, then a lotion massage. I love it!