Sunday, November 27, 2005

Catching up

Ok I've been bad, but its been really hard work taking care of Mommy, she's doing fine, but needs lots of help. Here I am ice skating for the first time! We did this when we went to grandma's house to visit them for Thanksgiving! BTW I post date things so Mommy can remember when things happened instead of just when I got around to blogging.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My new friend Kevin

Kevin came to visit me just before we went to Grandma's for Thanksgiving...he was lots of fun!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Real Cowboys don't wear hats!

I was a cowboy for Halloween. We had lots of fun at the Harvest Party at church where I won lots of games and prizes! I didn't like putting on this gettup very much, but once it was on it wasn't so bad...the things a cowpoke has to do in a days work!