Thursday, November 25, 2004

Thanksgiving snow

I saw my first snow in Chicago on Thanskgiving day. Daddy took me out in the freezing cold, sat me on his lap and we zoomed down a steep hill on a little piece of plastic. CRAZY! I was really worried daddy was going to hurt himself! We survived to eat a big dinner with Farmor and Farfar and I also got to visit my Great Nana and Great Papa, they really enjoyed my mealtime shows. It was fun to see so many people and play with all sorts of new toys I don't have at home!

Friday, November 19, 2004

Favorite Passtimes

I'm 9 months old now! On Tuesday I got my shots...they went pretty well. I am now 26lbs 15oz (mom says 27lbs since its sooo close). And I'm 31.5 inches long. I'm still very big for my age, but my weight is only 97th percentile, while my height is still 99th percentile. I've been working out. I like to walk everywhere with mommy and daddy, and now I can pull myself up on stuff. Mommy thinks I am allergic to eggs and milk that is limiting what she'll let me eat...boy do those hives itch!
No chocolate milkshakes for me just yet! Tomorrow I fly to Chicago for Thanksgiving. I'll get to see lots of family I haven't seen in a long time and show them all my new tricks...I can't wait!

Sunday, November 07, 2004


Grandpa picked out my stunt driver costume for Halloween. We went to a fun carnival at church, where I got to ride down a big slide and jump in a jump-house!

But the only stunts I got to pull were in my jeep.