Thursday, August 26, 2004

Checking up on things

Today was my 6 month check up. I'm as healthy as a horse, and nearly as big as one! I am 25lb 7 oz and 30 inches long. I am still in the 100th percentile for my age! I also had to get my next set of vaccines, the nurse I have is very quick, so it wasn't too bad. Plus mommy gave me some tylenol before we went. Can't wait to keep growing and impress them more next time!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Mommy goes back to work

This week mommy left me starving for hours. Daddy tried to help, but all he has to offer is that icky bottle, I can only stomach it when I'm super hungry and half asleep, so that I don't notice that it's not the real thing. I didn't eat for 10 hours on Saturday! On Sunday mommy was only gone for 5 hours so it wasn't as bad. But then on Tuesday I gave in and ate 8 ounces...I hope this isn't going to happen too often!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

A toothy grin

Here you can see my big top teeth, and one of my bottom teeth. I have all four though. I like to chew on everything! Just thought you'd like to see them!

Farmor and Farfar visit

I've had a great time this week, soaking up all the attention I can get from Farmor and Farfar. We went to the applefair, and wine tasting, and swimming. I was even good for them when they babysat me for a few hours! This is a picture of us swimming. I had a lot of fun splashing my hands and kicking my feet in the water. It was fun to have them visit, they would play with me, and sing funny songs to me! I hope they come again soon!

Thursday, August 12, 2004

My friend Kalle

Kalle keeps close watch over me. He likes to sleep with me in my bed, its okay with me except when he hogs the blankets!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Chomp! Chomp!

I'm ready for some steak! I now have 4 teeth. My right top tooth came in today so now I have 2 top and 2 bottom. I like to use them, but mommy yells OUCH! when I practice chewing when eating....

Saturday, August 07, 2004

jogging stroller

Check me out in my cool jogging stroller. Mommy and Sarek and I go for walks and runs in it. I like it alot, with all my toys. When we first got it, I was so short that my legs stuck straight out, but now I can bend my knees over the edge!