Sunday, June 27, 2004


Ah, I feel much better now. It was about time mom brought out some real food. Liquid diets are for crazy dieting supermodels not growing boys!


Here I am before my first bites of rice cereal. I'm so hungry I could eat my own hand!

Thursday, June 24, 2004

New Friend

I've made a new friend. Mommy says his name is "babyinthemirror". We have so much in common! He really is a funny guy! He pops up all over the place, in the bathroom, and the front hallway, and he's there when I play with many of my toys. Our moods are so in synch, I think we'll be friends for a long time!

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Johnny Jumper

Hey there, check me out. I'm upright and bouncing. This thing is cool, I can even turn myself around. Freedom is almost mine! There is my kitty Kalle. He had to check out my chair, make sure it was safe and all. Things are really changing around here for me. The four month mark has led to huge changes! I get to move around on my own power! Yesterday mom and I went to the store and bought a highchair. French fries here I come. I haven't tried any cereal stay posted!

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Father's Day

Today we celebrated Daddy's day and had lunch at the park. It was nice lying in the shade at the park. I got daddy a card he liked and a frame with pictures of me for his work so that he can look at me if he gets lonely at work and misses me.

Saturday, June 19, 2004


I'm finally big enough for this monster of a toy! I saw it in the closet and couldn't wait to get in it! Its a lot of fun. So much to do. It even plays music. Hopefully I won't outgrow it too fast!

Thursday, June 17, 2004

4 Month checkup

I just finished my 4 month checkup. I weigh 22 lbs and I'm 29 inches long! They say that I'm bigger and longer than 99% of other babies my age. I'm huge!

We've started getting calls from college football recruiters. Notre Dame is interested in having me play Nose Tackle for their 2022 starting line-up. Ohio State thinks I might be better as a Linebacker! What do you think?

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

4 month pictures

Today was the forth in a monthly ceremony of professional picture taking. Mommy makes me get my picture taken every month so she can see how much I've grown. Tomorrow we find out just how big I've gotten. And get my shots :(
I think I'll be off the growth charts...I"m a big guy and I like to eat! I liked this picture taking guy. He had the best sqeeky toy of all the places we went. He was smarter than the last guy too...he made sure I still had my diaper under me for the naked shots. Last time I really made a mess. I bet it took the girl an hour to clean that bean bag!

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Aunt Kathleen

This is me and Aunt Kathleen. She would play with me on my play mat and make me laugh.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Aunt Char

I had actually met Aunt Char before at her graduation. But it was fun to see her again. She was soft to sleep on. Do you like my Virginia Tech jacket? That is where Aunt Kathleen goes to college.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Aunt Francine

Here I am with Aunt Francine. This was at her singing performance. I liked her singing but the clapping was too loud! She had a cool poodle skirt on that Mommy helped make.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Visiting Grandma in Virginia

Mommy and I flew out to see Grandma and my Aunties in the lap of luxury in business class on the airplane. You should have seen the flight attendants go gaga for me. We spent the days at Grandma's lounging around the pool and I indulged my mommy and Aunties in some shopping trips, as long as they bought me some new stuff too!